We have had a request from a potential client to produce EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKS for employees in France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland and eventually Australia and Canada.
We were contacted just after Christmas by a USA based client that had a team in Singapore covering several countries-notably China, Taiwan, Vietnam. The client was interested in having an employee in China, another in Vietnam. (We provide Employer of Record Services ( PEO services) globally -120+countries so clients can have staff in foreign countries without setting up legal entities).
Effective September 2019 Cmpandben has provided an experienced German consultant to provide HR support for Germany to the Munich office of a UK based public relations firm.
The Cambridge operations office of Compandben International Ltd has just completed setting up employment of a Lithuanian in Ireland for an Illinois USA based engineering staffing firm. The employment is through Compandben Ireland Ltd based in Dublin. In the coming months we expect to provider services in Lithuania. , Latvia, Netherlands and UK.
The Cambridge operations office of Compandben International Ltd has been assisting a USA based telecoms firm in setting up employment in Zambia. In Zambia, the Employer social charges (the equivalent of NI in UK or FICA in USA) are only 5%. But on top of that multinational firms are usually expected to add private health cover which for an employee, spouse and 2 dependents is approx. US$10,000 per year.
We implemented a PEO Service in Cote D’Ivoire on behalf of a global satellite and broadband communications firm. It is the first time we have used our partner firm there for some years.
Compandben has a company in Ireland- Compandben Ireland. We manage payrolls and employ staff on behalf of clients.
Irish mandatory social security is only 10.75% of gross remuneration. It is one of the lowest in Western Europe. However private health and private pensions are frequently required by candidates and clients.
There has recently been some renewed interest in Venezuela from potential clients. Perhaps anticipating a change in government.
If you look up the EMPLOYER Social Charges for Venezuela you will be told they are 11-13% of salary. But this seriously underestimates the charges applying in Venezuela.They are...
We are just about to start an employment service for a USA University, involving an employee that will be paid "sporadically" 3 or 4 payments a year for developing and presenting a series of lectures.